
Het vergeten vak
Waarom sociaal-emotionele vaardigheidstraining een vaste plek verdient in het onderwijs.
Publicatiedatum: 1 juni 2010
ISBN-13: 978-90-5911-969-7 Uitgeverij Aspekt
Dit boek is belangrijk voor elke opvoeder, docent of coach die kinderen begeleidt naar een zelfstandig en gelukkig leven. Maar wat is geluk eigenlijk, en hoeveel zeggenschap hebben we over het geluk dat we in ons leven ervaren? Dit zijn vragen die de auteur door systematisch onderzoek, talloze interviews en via de rode draad van zijn eigen leven, beantwoordt. Het is een feit, dat naast de fysieke en sociaal-emotionele omstandigheden waarbinnen een mens ter wereld komt, men ook nog eens wordt geboren met een uniek pakket aan persoonlijke gereedschappen, die in potentie vastliggen in de genen, zoals verstandelijke en fysieke vermogens, uiterlijk en karakter. Maar die pakketten, in welke veelbelovende combinatie dan ook, zijn absoluut geen garantie voor geluk, persoonlijk succes en innerlijke rust in ons leven. Rudsel Cameron's ervaringen als muzikant, sporter, danser, choreograaf, coach, techneut (ingenieur), werknemer en uiteindelijk inspirator stelden hem in staat een visie te ontwikkelen over algemeen geldende principes in het leven. Psycholoog Anneke Panhuis heeft het hele proces vakkundig ondersteund.
Self Improvement Training
Publicatiedatum 6 december 2018
Train Yourself And Build An Awesome Life Today!
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to train yourself and build an awesome life.
Let me guess…you want to be healthier…lose weight…have the best life…be more friendly…make more money and generally just have an awesome life.
Well, chances are, two months from now you will still be in the same spot; wishing for better health, income, life and all those other things. This is because most of us are not equipped to achieve life goals. In fact, research has it that less than 8% of the population in the world achieves their goals each year.
So what does it take to have an awesome life? The short answer is you need to make the time to improve yourself. Just as tree experts spend a lot of time sharpening their axe so that their tree cutting exercise can be successful, that’s the same way you need to spend a lot of time improving yourself to achieve great success in life.
In this guide, I will show you how you can develop yourself and live the kind of life you desire.

Write it Down
Publicatiedatum: 1 januari 2019
Your mind possesses unimaginable power.
Everything in this universe is made of energy and has a vibration of its own. Since everything that you see and come across in the world is energy, it is in one way or another connected to everything around it through the frequency it vibrates.
The law of attraction assists you do just that and this book is here to help you out in that endeavor.
The Law of Attraction
Publicatiedatum: 5 februari 2019
Everything in our universe vibrates at a certain frequency and is composed of energy!
Your emotions and feelings make up your emotional state and that emotional state is full of energy vibrating at a certain frequency.
The Law of Attraction simply states "like attracts like". To manifest what you want in life, you can easily harness the unimaginable power of the law of attraction. You just need to get your energy and thoughts in tune with the universe, know what you want and repeatedly ask for it, and obviously take meaningful actions to draw those things towards yourself.

Law Of Attraction: Why It Doesn’t Work For You And How To Get Results
Publicatiedatum: 15 juni 2019
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!
Your mind is your biggest asset and tool, and if you use it properly and exploit its full potential, you can actually achieve any goal you set your eyes on. You are capable of incredible success and you can have it all. You just need to think positive to draw good things your way and exploit the law of attraction (LOA).
Your positive thoughts will draw positive experiences your way and eventually help you become successful in life. That said, in some situations the LOA does not work for certain people.
As sad as that sounds, there is science backing this problem as well. This book will delve deeper into what may obstruct the path of the LOA and how you can overcome those blocks to harness the power of the LOA effectively.
Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny.